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790 days back

With us since:
September 12, 2021
Publications: 3
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Alice barbero
I’ve being working with children more than 40 years, it’s my true passion and joy. I am also Spanish speaker and I teach music( I have two cds with 20 songs each)
Nature objects self portrait
Portrait with nature items During September we have been working on recognizing parts of the face and names. Using different techniques: puzzle with the children’s picture, color on their photo with oil pastels, trace with markers, place parts of the face on the flannel and this last week...


Summer fun with water and bottles
Fun with bottles Children love to play with water and explore different tools that helps them to develop problem solving skills and fine motors while having fun it’s a plus. Summer time it’s perfect for this type of activities , you can use the water tables outdoors or even trays of plastic...


Play dough art with nature materials
The open ended activities are a great opportunity to develop language skills it’s relaxing and will allow children to develop creativity and imagination, it will also help to develop small muscles. We will provide children with nature material that we picked up together in an outdoors walk to...


Total posts: 3. Read all →

«Lavender blog»

«Lavender blog»Medal «Lavender blog». Awarded for 3 entries in a personal blog.
September 12, 2021

«Turquoise flower»

«Turquoise flower»Medal «Turquoise flower». Awarded for the first publication.
September 12, 2021