Coffee Filter Butterfly & Caterpillar Clothespins
Coffee Filter Butterfly & Caterpillar Clothespins
Creating these uses fine motor along with math skills to count the drops. Each unique creation can be displayed on a bulletin board or the classroom door. These beautiful butterflies and caterpillars are easy to make and fun for kids. Here you will find the step by step directions on how to make coffee filter butterflies with markers, clothespins and pipe cleaners. This hands on art project for kids is a perfect activity for Spring and Summer. Coffee Filter Butterflies and clothespin caterpilars also make really sweet and thoughtful Mother’s Day gifts!
Clothespin Butterfly: Using 2 coffee filters, have children use droppers to squeeze food coloring and water over the coffee filters. Let them dry and glue them to a clothespin attaching pipe cleaner antennas and eyes.
Caterpilar Clothespin: Glue head, thorax, abdomen to a clothespin along with pipe cleaner antennas and eyes.
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