Mendi schmitz
Dental Health week
We love Dental Health week at our preschool. We have a childrens dentist come in and talk to the kids about taking care of their teeth. They will usually bring the kids a new tooth brush to take home. When having a dentist come into the classroom it helps make their first trip a little less scary knowing that a dentist is a friend. We also talk about healthy foods and non healthy foods for our teeth. We like to graph these on the board so that they are able to see them. We will have 2 big teeth one with a happy face and one with a sad face. We will then have pictures of different types of good and bad food. I let them take turns putting the picture on the right tooth. They love this hands on activity. Another activity we do is painting with tooth brushes. I print out a tooth for each of them and let them paint white paint on the tooth. Another activity we do with the toothbrushes is I give them each one at the table and then spray shaving cream on the table and let them practice brushing the shaving cream away. This is great motor skills.