Joan White
Fall and Halloween Projects
Good Afternoon Fellow Teachers,
I am an Elementary Music Teacher in a Pk-2nd grade school. My name is Joan White and I've been teacher approximately 28 years with 25 of those years teaching Music. I have about 5 more to go before I am going to think of retirement.
I used to create all kinds of things for my students to do. But I suffered a stroke in 2018. Thankfully, I am still able to play guitar and sing with the students on Zoom. Now I rely on others to help with creating activities. I buy many activities on TPT, and get the free stuff when applicable.
When I came across this sight, I was excited to find a place where we could share ideas with each other. If I can give any words of wisdom to any of you, do not take your health for granted. There is only one you. No on else has the gifts and talents you have been blessed with. So if you are stressed out about something, try to figure it out. Where is the stress coming from? What can you do to change the situation? It is okay to take a break and rest. It is okay to take things slower than normal. Breathe!
Once you have figured where the stress is and the why of it all, be your own advocate. Do what is necessary. I changed schools. It was the best thing I ever did for myself.
Thanks for listening,
Joan White