Find and Count Number Printables For Young Students
These number printables are perfect for finding and counting images within the numbers themselves!
There are 11 sheets total with 10 numbers represented, from 1 through 10. It works where within the number 1 there is one of the objects, in the number 2, there are two of objects., and so forth. To give an example, in the number 5, there are five fish within the aquarium, five planes, five fingers upon a hand, five pencils, five crossbars upon the stairs, five colors within the vase, and so forth. It is like this for all of the numbers.
These numbers are in color but there also is a black-and-white version that students can do for coloring-in the found objects they count-up.
Find and Count Number Printables
Below are the Find and Count Number Printables. They can be printed out and then gone-over with students as they count-up and identify the multiples of objects that match a set number.

How to Download the Files
The file package with these printables can be downloaded for free! Just click here to learn more.