Preschool Lesson Plan on, "Number Recognition 1-10" with Printables
Young children love learning how to count. You can help your students gain a better understanding of what each number symbol represents by doing activities such as these that assist in learning to count from 1-10.
Learning Objectives
Students will be able to identify and write number symbols from one to ten.
(10 minutes)
Have the students come together in a group. Get the students motivated by saying, "Today we will be learning about numbers! Raise your hand if you know a number!" Once some students have raised their hands ask them to share a number they know--this taps into their prior knowledge. Write down numbers that are stated upon the board.

Downloadable printables for Introduction
Find and Count Number
Cute and Big Numbers for Kids
Number Flash Cards
Tell the students how you are now going to share a poem by Mother Goose that uses all the numbers from one to ten. Read the poem, "One, Two, Buckle My Shoe," ad then have the students recite the poem after you.