Number Houses Counting Sheets for Young Children (Six Through Ten)
These Number Houses continue the process discussed with Number Houses one through five, but now covers six through ten.
Just as the earlier ones help children with their counting and visualization of quantities that range from one to five these are great for the higher-quantity numbers of six through ten. These will further assist children in developing their skills when it comes to identifying numbers as well as understanding how they add-up and subtract from one another to create quantities with these larger numbers.
Number Houses Six Through Ten
Below are the printables of Number Houses six through ten. These can be incorporated with Number Houses one through five as children learn how to count-up the houses and are ready for these more advanced numbers too. They are in color and black-and-white so that children can color them too if desired!
Where to Find Houses One Through Five
The Number Houses with One Through Five can be downloaded at this link.
How to Download the Files
You can use plain printing paper as well as the A3 format. The file package can be downloaded completely for free! Click here to see more
Also, you can purchase the sheets at this website