Heather Kim
Letters in Name
This is one of my favorite first-week-of school activities. You will need die cut letters of each student's name and paper strips as a preparation.
First, students glue the letters in their names on a paper strip. They need to know which letter comes first and place the rest in order. They decorate the letters using stamp paints and other decorative materials. The next day, they count how many letters their friends have in their names and we make a How Many Letters in Name graph. I am sure a lot of the teachers have tried the same or similar activities like this, so it may not be an innovative one. I would like to share one tip though. Using big-size die-cut letters was very helpful as it made the activity versatile to integrate literacy, art (focusing on fine motor development, and math. The name strips also make a great display on the classroom wall. Cheers to teachers!