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Life cycle of butterfly

Life cycle of butterfly

Life cycle of butterfly

This is a 3D model of life cycle of a butterfly that me and my daughter worked on.


Step 1. Cut 3 leaf shapes from construction paper. Add a branch to 1 of the

leaves. Glue the pieces to the construction paper as shown.

Step 2. Egg Stage – Glue a rice grain to the leaf in the bottom left corner. This is the egg.

Step 3. Larva Stage – Bend and twist pipe cleaners to make a caterpillar. Glue

It to the next leaf.

Step 4. Pupa Stage – Crumple a small piece of aluminum foil. This is the

cocoon. It hangs from a branch. Add it to the model.

Step 5. Adult Stage – Tie a ribbon around a coffee filter to make a butterfly.

Color the wings. Add it to your model.

Step 6. Add arrows to your model to show how the stages connect.


A butterfly’s life cycle has 4 stages. Butterflies lay eggs on leaves. A caterpillar

hatches from an egg. Caterpillars eat a lot of leaves to grow. Over time, the

caterpillar makes a cocoon called a chrysalis. In the cocoon metamorphosis

happens. The caterpillar changes into a butterfly and leaves the cocoon.

Butterfly Life

Cycle Model


• Rice grain

• Pipe cleaners

• Aluminum foil

• Coffee filter

• Ribbon or string

• Construction paper

• Crayons or markers

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Life cycle of butterfly
May 25, 2024
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