These printables are very fun for simulating the butterfly life cycle! It allows students to create a 3d butterfly life cycle with the stages of eggs, a caterpillar, a chrysalis, and a butterfly. The final product is a gorgeous diorama that kids will love showing off to everyone and being proud that they created!
The printables for the butterfly life cycle can be seen above. They have all the stages and once everything is cut-out can be folded and sorted as the video below shows to create the finished craft:
As the video illustrates, you need to carefully cut and fold everything so that the craft can then be made where the diorama looks gorgeous once it is completed! After the craft is done students can review all the life cycle stages!
Butterfly Life-cycle Activity for Preschoolers
This is definitely a unique way to explain and even demonstrate the life cycles of butterflies, and the cocoon stage in particular.
butterfly life cycle
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