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My body Activity
Activity made by English as a Second Language learners, from first grade, who had to label the body parts on the sheet of paper. Previously, we had learnt the body parts' names by singing songs, watching videos and answering different types of worksheets. After all that practice, the students...
November 22, 2023
Yarela Sandoval

Homeschool is not easy!
A lot of people and teachers think or believe homeschool is easy, well i'm here to say thats so far from the truth! But thankfully there is free things such as this and TPT and many other websites out there to help teachers of all sorts and all over the world teach children and teens what they...
November 22, 2023
Michaela Browning

Farm Scooping Activity
We have been doing farm theme in preschool for 2 weeks. The kids love all animals, so this is awesome. Your ideas are great and are right for our kids ( ages 3-5) academic levels because of the different levels of activities offered! The scooping and pouring of this activity will help their fine...
November 21, 2023
Barbara A McGarry

Christmas bauble
Our kindergarten children are loving all the Christmas fun lately. Using left over paper shopping bags, we cut these into big baubles using the handle as the top. The children loved being...
November 20, 2023
Leanne Brown-Fraser

Retro Themed Grandparents Day Celebration
We had a Wonderful celebrations with our Grandparents and kids on the Retro Theme. Decorations: The photo booth for the parents was cassette like to give it the olden movies...
November 20, 2023
Curious CUbs

A Lagos Party Activity for Kids
Kids love parties and one of the ways we try to bring out their creativity is by having paint or Slime activities. And kids love to paint too. It's a pretty simple set up on a table. We print...
November 19, 2023
The Play Station

I absolutely love my job. It almost feels like a privilege to help children connect with nature
I absolutely love my job. feel so lucky, although being outside in all weathers is not for everyone! We take 15 children each session and use the same area of woodland. This way they begin...
November 16, 2023
Truong Thi Huyen Trang

Planting and Understanding the world
During our theme about light, we had to stop and shed the lights to plants and the sunlight. The idea of planting beans in cotton was new to the kids, they loved it. They added the cotton...
November 14, 2023
Asrir Doha

King and Queen for the day
We use Heggerty curriculum to teach letters, sounds, manipulation of syllables. This is usually a 15-20 minute phonics instruction time each day. We want the students to be paying attention...
November 14, 2023
Rebecca De La Cruz

Games with no fotocopies
In my school we can’t give the kids many photocopies. So we do a lot of games, dances and songs. They have a great time and learn a lot moving their bodies Here we play with the face of...
November 13, 2023

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