Printable 3D Paper Farm For Children
This is a great farm-themed paper toy that you can make as a DIY paper craft kit and then enjoy playing with! It is great if you need a printable farm-themed craft and is great for young ones to play with!
3D Paper Farm Fun!
This 3D paper farm can be cut out and then glued together to be played with for farm-themed fun! There are five sheets total, with four that make up the pieces of the farm itself to cut out and glue so that it stands and one sheet that has the farm animals which can be cut out and then glued so that they stand up straight.

Once everything has been printed, cut out, and glued it can be played with! It is recommendable to use a thicker paper stock as regular printer paper is often not thick enough to stand-up well/not rip.

How to Download the Printables
The package with all files can be downloaded completely for free. Just click here to learn more about how to download it at no cost to you!