Paper Craft
Total: 37
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Paper Finger Ice Breaker Game for Students
Paper finger icebreaker: With this paper finger students will be able to work with colors and numbers. They also can practise Wh questions. You can use it as an ice breaker or as a game to reinforce new vocabulary. Wh questions...
Letter A Craft. A is for Airplane
Airplane out of the letter A. This craft to teach letter A is perfect for preschoolers. Letter A Worksheets A is for Airplane. Download the printable and print onto paper or cardstock. Cut out the letter A, wings, screw, ...
Folded bird tail fan
We followed this fantastic tutorial to make folded bird fans in a small group of children aged 5-6 for an art challenge. We asked the children to think about how the patterns they drew on the paper might change once the paper was...
Abstract Shape Gluing Activity
At Whiz Kid Learning Center, they did a fun abstract shape gluing activity. How the activity was done The students were given a big piece of paper for mounting their shapes and then used a bunch of leftover construction...
2 Fun Tree-Themed Crafts
At Basic Steps Preschool in Kent, they did two fun crafts themed for trees! The class discussed how trees are important ( they make oxygen and some grow food for us) and then did the following two fun crafts below! Crepe...
Create a Knuffle Bunny
Based on the book Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale by Mo Willems. Students should choose the colors, size and placement of the parts of their bunny. As most of the students did not have cutting skills and were in a half day program, ...
What's keeping me and my daughter busy this pandemic
Hello! I just want to share with you all the activities that me and my daughter are doing this pandemic. My daughter Savannah is 4 years old. Due to what is happening to the world right now, I have not been able to enroll her in...
Ladybug Construction Paper Craft
They made ladybugs out of construction paper at the Little Honey Bee Preschool! It was a fun activity that encouraged creativity and incorporated some math skills as the kids counted up their spots for their ladybugs. ...
Rocket Twirlers Craft
At Busy Bees Preschool, they have been learning about space and rockets. As a part of this, they made their own rockets with individual pieces connected by strings so that they could twirl in the wind; they were rocket twirlers! ...
Stropitoarea- activitate practică
Fiindcă am discutat despre florile de primăvară și importanța pe care o are îngrijirea corespunzătoare a acestora- plantare, curățare, punerea de îngrășăminte care să ajute la creșterea acestora, stropirea pentru...
Narcise- activitate practică
Florile de primăvară ne învăluie cu parfumul și culorile lor, atât pe noi cei mari, cât și pe cei mici. An de an desfășurăm proiect tematic ce are legătură cu florile primăverii, discutând cu cei mici despre...
Spring butterfly super easy
Today we made a super easy spring butterfly, all you need is white or color paper, scissors, glue pen and pipe cleaner. 1. Draw on the paper circle and square. Then cut out of the paper circle and square. You can use color...
Bomboana gigant- aplicație practică
Cu toții îl așteptăm cu nerăbdare pe Moș Crăciun, în special cei mici. Pentru a face așteptarea mai plăcută și mai frumoasă, împreună cu cei mici, am realizat o bombonică gigant, pe care să o așeze...
Illustrer le mois de Novembre
Pour illustrer le mois de Novembre ( dans le cahier de vie des enfants, nous reconstituons un paysage d'Automne après avoir observé et décrit les arbres dans notre cour. Pour ça, je donne simplement du papier marron et du...
Paper Strip Cardinals Craft
At Little Ones' Preschool, they made paper strip cardinals for a fun and cool-looking craft project! The cardinals were put on display in the hallways, hanging from the ceiling for all to enjoy. Materials needed for this...
"Watch Designer," Craft for Kids
At Creative Kids Academy Maple Grove, they were watch designers for one fun craft they did! The kids all had a print-out of a watch that they got to design and color however they wanted. Some drew numbers, some did roman numerals. ...
Letter O: Paper Chain Octopus Craft
For our art activity on the letter O, I've decided to do the paper chain octopus craft I found on Pinterest which is a very easy thing to do. The materials you need are the following: 1. Colored Papers such as (...
Scrap Construction Paper Craft Ideas
At Wonderland School they took leftover construction paper ( scrap paper) and instead of throwing it away used it for a variety of crafts that you can do in your class too with leftover construction paper! Fall-themed scrap...
Leaf Man Printable Craft for Kids
This is a fun and original craft for children to do in the Fall. They take various leaves and things you see doing the Fall and combine them to make Leaf Man! While doing this craft, you can talk with the kids about the seeds of...
Printable Halloween-Themed Crafts for Kids These printable Halloween crafts are great fun and make stellar decorations once you've finished creating them. Make some and then place them out or hang them up for some spooky decor! Magic Cones Cut and glue the cones. ...