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Junghee Woo. Blog

Author: Junghee Woo
Posts: 2
Rating: 50. Votes: 50
배드민턴채 만들기
코로나로 인해서 일주일째 어린이집을 가지 못해 집에서 보내야 하는 시간들이 많아지고. 겨울이라서 밖은 춥고. 따뜻하면 미세먼지로...
Added: February 9, 2021

Activity using the cotton pads!! (The Trouble Grandad)
This is my son. He is just 43months old. Instead of going to kindergarten, he played this activity with me at home! At first, we read a book, The trouble with Grandad, three or...
Added: January 15, 2021