Free Fall Leaves Worksheets for Preschool and Kindergarten

One thing often associated with Fall is all the leaves! These free printable worksheets for preschool and kindergarten students incorporate Autumn leaves into a number of great educational lessons!
Leaves Count Worksheet
For this worksheet students cut-out the parts at the bottom and paste them into the appropriate square where they belong with the matching, "Count," of numbers, leaves, dots, or Fall-item.
Leaves Arrow Path Worksheet
Students draw from one end of the worksheet to the other using the arrow-options shown below!
Leaves & Numbers
To do this worksheet students can trace the numbers and then color the leaves that are even number yellow and odd numbers red.
Leaves Distribution Worksheet
Students match the correct uppercase and lowercase letter with the word that starts with it by cutting-out and pasting the correct numbers in their spot with this worksheet.
Find Leaves Worksheet
Leaves are hidden among each other on this worksheet and students can count the total number up and color them in to their liking!
How to download pictures
You can get printable pictures for free by posting your activity photos. Read more about the conditions here.