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Firework Painting (New year)

Abigail Tomme
Firework Painting (New year)

Firework Painting (New year)

In our class we love to make art! To start the new year my Pre-k kiddos created process art fireworks by painting with pipe cleaners. We used black construction paper to represent the night sky. I twisted together piper cleaners into a flower shape to be used for the paint brush. I usually use about 3 pipe cleaners and fold them in half and twist together and fan the out flat. You will need a 1 pipe clean paint brush cluster for each color that you use to avoid colors mixing. Student then stamp the pipe cleaner "paint brush" in a single color one at a time to create a starburst firework. Once your students are finished painting you can add glitter for a little bit of shimmer.

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Firework Painting (New year)
February 6, 2025
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