Adult birds lay hard-shelled eggs and these babies are protected and kept warm by their parents while they grow inside their eggs--a process called incubation. After baby birds hatch they are called chicks and are fed by their parents. These chicks soon develop feathers for flight and learn how to fly! Once these young birds can fly they set-out on their own and in a year or so mate and have babies of their own--the cycle then begins anew!
Life Cycle Printable
The printable features five different developmental stages for a bird and can be printed out and folded to help show the life cycle.
The five stages are as such:
Egg: These are laid by female birds. They are incubated by one or both parents for a period of time until the embryo inside has developed.
Hatchling: When a baby bird is ready to hatch it may have to work for hours or even days to break out through the shell of an egg.
Chick: This is a hatched baby bird that requires help from its parents to eat and needs protection.
Young Bird: A bird that has grown its flight feathers and takes off on its own to grow and thrive.
Adult Bird: Once a bird is fully grown it is an adult and ready to mate. Then the process starts all over!
How to Download the Printables
The package with all files can be downloaded completely for free. Just click here to learn more about how to download it at no cost to you!
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