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Old Mc Donald had a farm
This activity is directed to preschoolers or to first level students from a foreign country which is learning English. When teaching the farm animals is quite common to use the song Old Mc...
March 21, 2022
Paula Diaz Bueno

Emotions trolls for Peace day
For the Peace Day we downloaded the image of a troll and we had to colour it representing an emotion. First I told them a story proposed by "Manos Unidas" in which a village of trolls had...
March 20, 2022
Paula Diaz Bueno

Early years provision
During our far far away theme we created a jungle small world using animal figures and different natural resources. We also surrounded the area with different resources to give the children...
March 17, 2022
nicola teasdale

Animal Comparison Poster
Need an activity to help grade schoolers to compare and contrast? Try this animal comparison art activity. Students love animals and love learning all about them, its a win win. The...
March 15, 2022
Elizabeth Douglass

Teaching Phonics and more
Using a variety of methods and worksheets, I teach my 6-year old girls how to write and read three-letter words. They especially like it when I make them cut pictures and write their own words...
March 15, 2022
Florence Park

Water theme preschool
We talked about the water cicle, about oceans and seas, why we need water, the water transformations. We watch the ice melt, now we know that water boild at 100 degrees, we also...
March 15, 2022
Tincu Monica

Story Problems in First Grade
Story Problem Example This story problem template has been a lifesaver in my first grade class. My team and I discovered that when we made story problems that had real word value students were more invested and interested in solving them. We used the template provided by our school district,...
March 14, 2022
Vannah Mitchell

Hojas de Práctica
Estimular los sentidos de tus alumnos no sólo es divertido, sino una apuesta por su desarrollo cognitivo y emocional. No olvides que los sentidos son la puerta de acceso a las funciones cognitivas básicas y superiores. Capacidades como la lógica, la concentración, la coordinación, la...
March 13, 2022

Coconut Tree Free Paint
One of our themes a couple of weeks ago was Read Across America. My class of toddlers was introduced to the alphabet. A perfect way to do this was reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin...
March 13, 2022

Associazioni di colori per ragazzo con disabilità
Sono uno psicologo, che lavora come assistente alla comunicazione in una scuola del Sud Italia. Seguo un ragazzo a cui è stato diagnosticato un autismo grave con ritardo mentale grave. Il mio assistito ha 14 anni, ma l'età mentale corrispondente si aggira intorno ai 3 anni. Riesce a...
March 13, 2022
Federico Stissi

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