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Letter/Sound Identification
This game was a great addition for a kid and mom who are tired of flashcards, and a mom's new fascination with the free canva app. This game took less than 30...
March 12, 2022
sarah leifeste

Stone Age with 5 to 6 years old children
Hello, I'm teaching in Romania. I'm working with 5 to 6 years old kids. We had such a great time with pretend play in stone age. The kids made a fire using real wood and black stones. We used...
March 10, 2022
Ana Maria Miron

Do her Printable Worksheet
My private student has letter printable worksheets and number printable worksheets . I wanted she learn about numbers and letters. So, I used her worksheet to study with me. In this number...
March 9, 2022
* Belinda Ernestiana

Stoplights and Shapes
[ Things you will need: Black, red, yellow and green construction paper Kid friendly scissors Stick glue Popsicle sticks Steps: Teacher will draw circles on the red, green and...
March 8, 2022
Lacania Collins Gilmore

Make a Word - Phonic
I brought puzzle letter for my private student can play and study to make a word from it. I showed the images first to my private student from books. Then, I made some short...
March 8, 2022
* Belinda Ernestiana

Μάθημα για την υγιεινή διατροφή
Τα παιδια του νηπιαγωγείου με ενα χαρτόνι που διπλώνει δημιούργησαν ενα ψυγείο. Απο...
March 8, 2022
Anna Lask

Groep 1/2 werkt aan het thema ik ben ziek. Zij hebben daarbij zelf een doktershoek gebouwd en maken verschillende werkjes bij
Groep 1/2 werkt aan het thema ik ben ziek. Op de eerste foto is een rekenwerkje te zien. De kinderen moeten eerst de prikjes netjes inkleuren. Daarna werken ze aan de kleine motoriek door de...
March 8, 2022
Romy Koning

Do some worksheet
I prepared some worksheet for my private student. I printed hot and cold worksheet, underwater and in the air worksheet, and inside and outside worksheet. First, he did inside and outside...
March 8, 2022
* Belinda Ernestiana

Nőnapra 2-4 éveseknek
Nőnapra 2-4 évesek is el tudják készíteni szülői segítséggel. Saját munka a kis kezével, aminek jobban örülnek a dédik, nagyik, anya, mintha bármi mást kaptak volna a...
March 7, 2022

Learn and Play with Busy book
My student has busy book. He can play and learn from busy book that he had. He can study about numbers, letters, seasons, months and days, telling time, parts of body, etc. He learnt with his...
March 7, 2022
* Belinda Ernestiana

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