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Kinders working on an Ocean Theme
Our students created a sensory board using watercolors to paint the background and made different ocean animals out of newspaper, clay, paper plates, pipe cleaners, seashells, and colored...
September 8, 2023
Cynthia Pinto

Teddy Bear Picnic
Have a Teddy Bear day in Prek. Ask children scientific questions about their bear. What color are they? How many cubes tall are they? Is the bear a boy or girl? Who is the teddy's best friend? Afterward have an outdoor picnic and of course the teddy bears are invited! Use bear themed food such as...
September 5, 2023
Ashley Lofland

Color Matching Popsicle stick Sun
Practice color matching, executive attention, and central coherence with this easy-to-make material. You just need A3 bond paper, 6 popsicle sticks, markers, and stroke precision. I work...
September 4, 2023
Carolina Bustamante

Our Kindergarten Activities
Greetings! I am a homeroom teacher in kindergarten. Here I would like to share some activities our students love very much. 1. Turkey with ten feathers. Children have to put dots according...
August 31, 2023

We all fit in here - Team Building Activity
The "Unity Puzzle" activity is a creative and interactive exercise designed to celebrate the uniqueness of each student while emphasizing the power of unity within a classroom or group setting. In this activity, each student is given a puzzle piece, which they will decorate to symbolize...
August 31, 2023
Trendelina Zhitia

Monthly science with toddlers
My 3 year old is absolutely obsessed with “school” and doing his school work. I’ve homeschooled for years ( my two oldest are much older, and now my 3 year old is doing the “preschool” work. I put this in quotes because homeschooling is definitely different. So this month we’re...
August 31, 2023
Angell Terrell

Fishing Game with Preschoolers!
Fishing Game with Preschoolers! Whenever I teach English to my young students, I usually use a lot of materials. Fishing is very interesting and easy to teach some new words to the young...
August 30, 2023
Suzie Kim

Shape Sorting with Painter's Tape
For one of our shapes lessons, my 2yo class sorted shapes into categories of circles, squares, and triangles. I gathered various toys in the specified shapes and gave a few to each student...
August 29, 2023
Alaina McGuire

Police Officer activity
It's a kindergarten activity for 4-5 year olds. Our "police" theme started with a teacher pretending to be a criminal, two kids were wearing police uniforms and tried catching the criminal....
August 29, 2023
Margo Mariia

Paintcicle painting
Add a little bit of paint and water in each ice cube and added a popsicle stick. Pop it in the freezer for a couple hours and then its ready for play! We set up a tuff tray with...
August 28, 2023

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