Summer Camp
Total: 20
Summer fun with water and bottles
Fun with bottles Children love to play with water and explore different tools that helps them to develop problem solving skills and fine motors while having fun it’s a plus. Summer time it’s perfect for this type of activities , ...
Summer crafts: one day at the beach!
Here in sunny Greece, one of our favourite subjects that we work every year with our children in our classroom is summer! In my classroom , after talking with the children adout their experiences at the beach, watching videos, ...
Casting-Out Paintbrushes Group Painting Activity
At Garden Gate Child Development Center, they did a very creative and fun group painting activity! The kids attached paintbrushes to little fishing poles and then cast them out towards a big white sheet that they then were able to...
Outdoor Soapy and Foamy Fun
During the Summer one great way to cool off when you're outside is to play with cool water. The kids at Roseville Childcare spent some fun time outdoors adding soap to the water resulting in a bunch of foamy fun! Getting...
Having a Summertime Nature Quest
At Family Preschool in Durham, they spent these Summer days doing a, "Nature quest! " this quest involved doing an assortment of fun activities. Bug exploration The kids examined real-life bugs they carefully handled. ...
Summer Shadows Printable Matching Activity
The summertime brings with it a lot of fun activities and items that are used to do those activities! These printables are used for a shadow matching activity where after being printed and cut up they can be matched by kiddos. Shadow...
Summer Crafts, Activities, and Decorations
At Heartfelt Daycare & Preschool, they've been excited to kick off the Summer with fun crafts and by putting up great-looking decorations as well as doing some activities! Butterfly life cycle The kids made a craft...
Fun Summer-Themed Worksheets
These worksheets are all themed for the summer with the kinds of flowers, and insects that pop up during the season! Kids are sure to love doing these fun worksheets as the Summer season begins! Butterfly coloring For...
Mud Sensory Exploration Activity for Little Ones
At the Kiddie Academy of Edina, they did a fun sensory exploration activity with some of their youngest attendees. The little ones go to get very messy as they played with mud in a big tub! It was great fun sloshing around, ...
2 Fine Motor Skill Activities for Summertime
At The Cardinal Preschool, they did two fun activities that are sure to be Summertime hits with students! These activities are both stellar for building up fine motor skills and students are sure to enjoy doing them. Chick...
Fun Wall Decorations About the Summer and Safety
They made some full decorations as a class at Agape Child Care and Family Life Center, Inc. A number of decorations were about the coming Summer season and other pieces of decor covered safety from germs. Everything filled the...
Making Splatter Paint Pictures
At Kingswood Academy Delray Beach, they learned about various methods of painting. One painter who was discussed was Jackson Pollock. It was talked about how he would splatter paint on the canvas to create unique and beautiful...
Myths and Legends Theme of the Week
At Bullfrogs and Butterflies Preschool and Kindergarten they spent a week doing a unit dedicated to learning all about myths and legends. This resulted in all kinds of mythological and legendary creatures being discussed and created...
Doing a Beading Camp
At Virginia Beach School of the Arts home of Preschool for the Arts they spent a day doing a popular camp activity. They called it, "Beading camp, " and the kids had a lovely time making necklaces and wristbands with their beads! ...
Sunshine Rice Sensory Play
At Jennifer Rosen Meade Preschool they had a great deal of fun playing with rice colored like the sun! It was a great Summer-themed activity.
Suggestions for your own sunshine rice sensory play
When playing with your rice...
Strawberry and Blueberry on the Cob Craft
At Olivia's Montessori Preschool they had a hot lunch event for charity! They served pancakes the adults cooked and the children made skewers of the strawberries and blueberries so they looked like they were, "On the Cob. " It was...
Flower Decorating Activity for Kids
Teachers from Atelier Dayhome shared this fun flower decorating activity that kids can do!
Materials Needed for the Flower Decorating Activity
To do this activity you just need the following:
A piece of cardboard
Do-It-Yourself Water Table Activity
During the Summer a lot of stores sell water tables. These can be expensive, however, so making your own water table can be a great idea too, as illustrated by The Children's Hour Preschool!
How to Make Your Own Water Table
Animals of Legend Craft
I am an educator at a local environmental center. During the school year, I host field trips with elementary school-age children.
During the summer I lead week-long summer camps. One of our camps is about cryptozoology...
Teaching Summer Camp During Covid-19 As an educator personal interaction is a critical part of relating to my students. In the current environment of Covid-19 with the requirements for social distancing, lack of personal contact, and heightened focus on hygiene finding...