Toddlers Activity Ideas
Total: 40
Shown: 1 - 20
Valentine's Card
My parents LOVED getting these special valentines from their kids this year. Of course I let my students all week make their own valentines, just using construction paper and their imagination. But parents appreciate a keepsake and...
Valentines Day theme - Sorting pompom hearts by color - Sensory activity
1. We drew 4 hearts, each a different color - we used Purple, Orange, Pink and Green, on a large ziploc or resealable bag. 2. We put a small amount of water ( just enough to push the pompoms around) and pompoms (...
Ocean Shadow Matching Activity For Toddlers
Print out the printable ocean activity for toddlers on to card stock paper. You could also print it on normal paper and laminate everything. This will then make the pieces waterproof. You can also add velcro tabs to each piece...
Creating Tape Trails
At Childcare Network School #204, they made tape trails! It was a fun activity where the children laid out pieces of tape into lines that formed little trails that could crisscross and intersect. They made some impressive designs...
Safe-to-Eat Color Mixing Activity
Sometimes the littlest ones at a preschool or daycare will want to put anything and everything in their mouths. Students with special needs may also sometimes attempt to chew on or eat objects. With this in mind, they did a...
Creating a Handprint Mosaic as a Class
At Pearland Kids Club, the class discussed how we all have different-sized hands, but they all do the same tasks for us. Even if we are different, we have things that unify us! After talking about this, the class made a mosaic...
Color Recognition Activity
Our Preschool students, ages three and four , use their hands to construct flowers for Mother's Day. It is a seemingly simple task to do but is a multisensory activity for Pre-schoolers. It is both a sensory and spatial activity...
Ladybug Construction Paper Craft
They made ladybugs out of construction paper at the Little Honey Bee Preschool! It was a fun activity that encouraged creativity and incorporated some math skills as the kids counted up their spots for their ladybugs. ...
Learning to Paint Like Jackson Pollock
They had a ton of fun with paint at First Presbyterian Preschool! The children learned about the painter Jackson Pollock and how he experimented with space and color to make complex and beautiful art. The kiddos also were excited...
Creating Personalized Bandannas for Living in the Wild
At Childcare Network, they had a theme this week all about surviving in the outdoors and living in the wild! To kick everything off, the kids made their own personalized bandannas they painted. The students learned how bandannas...
White Crayon and Watercolors Art Activity
At the Primrose School of Edina, they did a fun art activity! The class used white crayons to color on a white sheet of paper and then used watercolor paints to make the patterns they drew with their crayons visible and...
Dropper Art Collage Project
They did a fun art collage project at New Generation Montessori of Delray Beach! The kids helped mix various colors of food dye and water and then using a dropper would suck the colorful water up. Then, they squirted the water...
Painting a Rainbow After the Storm
At Our Lady of the Presentation Early Childhood Center, they learned all about storms and how they happen. One big element of storms is how afterward rainbows often appear! Upon learning this the kiddos were eager to paint their...
Laundry Basket Painting Activity
At A to Z Discovery Childcare and Preschool they did a cool painting activity with a miniature laundry basket! They squirted paint on the inside, watched it drip down to the bottom, and then observed the designs it made. It was...
Imaginary Laser-Navigating Activity
At Kid's World Learning Center, they did a fun activity that was great for developing gross motor skills! They used red ribbon to create, "Lasers, " for the kids to try and navigate around and dodge as if they were in a spy movie! ...
Fruit Loops Stringing On Straw
Fruit loop stringing is a great game for training toddlers' fine motor skills, color recognition, patterning, and counting all at once. It is a game I learned from my son's occupational therapist. My son enjoys playing the game ( and...
Cherry Blossoms Painting Craft
At Little Seeds Children's Center, they created cherry blossoms as an art project! Cherry Blossom Flowers represent new growth after the long winter and are a symbol of prosperity for the Lunar New Year, which just occurred. The...
Chalk Exploration Activity for Infants
At Little Sunshine's Playhouse and Preschool of Overland Park, they did an exciting and fun activity for their youngest attendees! The infant room got to use their sensory skills to explore a new medium, chalk. ...
Animal Tracks Painting Craft
At Elite Education, they discussed how different animals make different kinds of tracks. Some animals have claws, others have hooves, it can really vary! Inspired by all they learned, the kids had fun doing an animal tracking...
Painting With Broccoli
At Joyful Noise Christian Preschool, they did a clever painting activity where they used broccoli! Broccoli isn't just a healthy vegetable, it can be perfect for creating the effect of leaves on a tree when used as a paintbrush. ...