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.Grace Robinson

Author: .Grace Robinson
Posts: 38
Rating: 1. Votes: 1
Indoor, "Snow," Sensory Bin for Kids
In the middle of a hot Summer, there is something special about being able to play with snow! With that in mind, Four Leaf Clover Preschool was able to use an ice shredder to...
Added: July 22, 2020

Sandpaper Starfish Craft
At AppleTree Early Care and Preschool they had a theme for the week of, "Ocean wonders. " As a part of this theme they worked on fine motor skills and had a sensory experience by...
Added: July 21, 2020

Learning About and Drawing African Masks
At A Child's Garden preschool the students learned about African culture. They learned about how many African masks are inspired by and made to look like animals. The students...
Added: July 17, 2020

International Mud Day Activities
At Butterfly Hill Nature Preschool they celebrated International Mud Day! It happens every year on June 29th. You can still have fun playing in the mud even if it isn't...
Added: July 13, 2020

Pom-Pom Painting Activity
BrightPath Kids did a fun painting activity fabric pom-poms that was stellar for allowing the children to create art with dots, strokes, and designs. The toddlers...
Added: July 9, 2020

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