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.Grace Robinson

Author: .Grace Robinson
Posts: 38
Rating: 1. Votes: 1
Celebrate an Insect Week With Your Children!
Diaper Gang Home Daycare in Champaign, Illinois has spent the last few weeks learning about the letter I/i and talked about something we all know that starts with that...
Added: May 5, 2020

Foil Rivers Water-Play Activity for Kids
At Stratton Elementary School in Colorado Springs, Colorado the Kindergarten students of Mrs. Ferguson enjoyed this fun water-play activity. The weather was...
Added: May 2, 2020

Easter Sensory Bin for Young Children
Ashbridge Nursery at Maxy Farm in Preston, UK came up with this fun Easter sensory bin focused on a theme of chicks! It is geared toward 1 and 2-year-old children...
Added: April 11, 2020

Empty Paper Towel Roll Color-Matching Craft Activity
Kindergarten teacher A. Zaichko came-up with this color-matching activity that can easily be made out of household craft supplies and a leftover paper towel roll....
Added: April 6, 2020

Creativity Challenges for Kids to Do at Home
These, "Challenges, " are great fun for children to do with their parents at home. They encourage all kinds of creative thinking and utilizing one's...
Added: April 4, 2020

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