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Weather Reporter
This weak we talked about the weather. Different time of weather and season. We also talked about the weather ( it can be just a little bit windy) We also did a lot with the wind. We tried to blow stuff away. We did experiments to see what is moving if you blowing on it and what is not moving. I...
October 19, 2023

Scaredy Cat Splat
Each month the preschoolers have a themed activity presented to them by a speech-language pathologist. All activities include reading a book and then including an art activity for the four year...
October 18, 2023
ronit mandelkern

Cub Scout Oath Relay
My young cub scouts needed to learn the oath or pledge we say every week. I made color coded copies of the oath and cut them apart and laminated them. Then gave each pair of kids the first part of the oath. The rest was mixed up on a table along with all the other parts for other groups. The kids...
October 18, 2023
Lori Bielenberg

Parts of Pumpkins craft idea
Parts of a pumpkin crafts: Materials: Construction paper for shell, stem, and inside Pipe cleaner for vine Buttons and pompous for seeds Yarn or pieces of paper for fibrous stands Glue to assemble. Hot glue if needed. Assembled by gluing shell of pumpkin to the background construction paper...
October 18, 2023

Fire Fighting Dramatic Play
This week, we have been learning about being a firefighter. We have a 911 area and the fire station, as well as some firefighter costumes. I have set up an area as a fire station and put fire...
October 18, 2023
Hannah Hughes

Trail Mix Patterns
Make patterns using cereal, cranberries, marshmallows, and pretzels. * a good rule of thumb is to stay away from ingredients that may cause allergic reactions. AB, ABC, ABCD. Students have a chance to come up with their own "recipes" of patterns. Cereal, marshmallow, cereal, marshmallow. AB...
October 16, 2023
tara stay

Rain Cloud Experiment
Hello kids, Lets learn how rain occurs with this fun science experiment it's super easy to do! What you need to prepare: - A handful of cotton/tissue - 1 clear container/jar/clear glass - Food...
October 16, 2023
Fatimah Az-Zahra

Alphabet Review
I would print out each letter of the alphabet or use a thick marker to write it on a sheet of 8 by 11 copy paper. Then laminate each letter ( to make it reusable) Place letters randomly on the floor and call kids to jump on the letter i may call out. I can call it by letter name or letter sound...
October 16, 2023
Asha Singh

Color Mixing Using Primary Colors
We read color mixing stories all week like Color Dance by Ann Jonas, Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh, Mix It Up by Hurve Tullet and White Rabbit's Color Book by Alan Barker. Then in small groups we experimented with primary paint colors red, blue and yellow. We used q-tips cut in half as our...
October 16, 2023
connie sharp

Rooms In a House
In this lesson students learned about rooms in a house. First we started off with the Hello Song. Then did a warm up game Simon says. After that we listened to a rooms in a house song on...
October 15, 2023
Fatimah Az-Zahra

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