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Sense of hearing and sense of smell artwork activity for Kindergarten 2 students

Sense of hearing and sense of smell artwork activity for Kindergarten 2 students

Sense of hearing and sense of smell artwork activity for Kindergarten 2 students

rt activity focused on the senses of hearing and smell for Kindergarten 2 students. This creative project allows students to unleash their imagination, choosing any colors they prefer. It also aids in developing finger strength and enhances their creative thinking abilities. Additionally, it encourages the cultivation of time management skills.

To explore the sense of hearing, consider introducing various sounds from musical instruments or organizing a listening game where students guess the sounds they hear.

For the sense of smell, you might have them experience different scents from perfumes, soaps, and foods. A fun guessing game can be incorporated by blindfolding them and asking them to identify the scents they encounter.

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Sense of hearing and sense of smell artwork activity for Kindergarten 2 students
January 28, 2025
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