Trash Sorting Game Free Printable
Print out 5 sheets with colorful recycling bins and waste cards. Cut out all the pieces for the game.
How to download a game for free:
Download the game "Leo the Cat" for free on Google Play and get a free printables board game as a bonus:
How to Play:
Before starting, explain to the child the different types of waste and how to sort them correctly for recycling. The game features five bins: metal, glass, plastic, paper, and food waste.
Place the waste cards in a bag, and players take turns drawing cards. If the card matches the player’s bin, they place it on their bin.
Game Variations:
1. Trade waste cards with other players to complete your bin with the correct items.
2. Collect waste cards as quickly as possible to fill your bin first.
3. Turn the cards over and guess the waste type based on the shape to place it in the right bin.
Feel free to create your own games with Leo the Cat — it's fun and engaging!