Bugs And Insects Theme, Page 2
Total: 91
Shown: 21 - 40
Insects and Arrows Printable Games for Kindergarten
These printables of insects and arrows are fantastic for doing two games we provide directions for or for coming up with your own exciting games! Following arrows and naming insects! This game kit includes: A playing field...
butterfly life cycle
Em cerca de 4 aulas falamos sobre os insetos que moram no jardim. Mostrei flashcards de alguns deles, levei os elementos do jardim até a sala de aula em potes, areia, pedras, grama, folhas, penas, borboletas de papel (...
3d Butterfly Life Cycle Printables Craft
These printables are very fun for simulating the butterfly life cycle! It allows students to create a 3d butterfly life cycle with the stages of eggs, a caterpillar, a chrysalis, and a butterfly. The final product is a gorgeous...
Summer Crafts, Activities, and Decorations
At Heartfelt Daycare & Preschool, they've been excited to kick off the Summer with fun crafts and by putting up great-looking decorations as well as doing some activities! Butterfly life cycle The kids made a craft...
Fun Summer-Themed Worksheets
These worksheets are all themed for the summer with the kinds of flowers, and insects that pop up during the season! Kids are sure to love doing these fun worksheets as the Summer season begins! Butterfly coloring For...
Caring for Caterpillars Watching Them Turn into Butterflies
At Active Minds Early Learning Academy, they had a setup where they could care for caterpillars and watch as they turned into butterflies! It was great fun for the kids to learn about the process of caterpillars turning into...
Taller de Jardinería para celebrar el día del agricultor
Esta actividad es apta para celebrar el día de los trabajadores de la tierra, o actividades para hacer algo distinto en las huertas escolares. Puede pedir a los estudiantes una piedra, de una forma ovada en distintos tamaños. ...
Learning About, Catching, and Studying Worms
At The Children's Preschool, they followed an emergent curriculum where the students helped determine what everyone learned about. The kids said they were interested in becoming informed about worms so the class worked to learn all...
Insect Adjective-Naming Game
Adjectives are words that are used to describe a noun. This adjective-naming game features insects and has students looking at the insect and then picking an adjective that accurately describes it. It is a fantastic game for...
Sheets for Matching Insects to Their Duplicate
Matching is an important skill for young students to learn. These two sheets feature beetles on one and butterflies on the other. Each beetle and butterfly has a match upon the sheet that kids can find and identify. Beetles and...
One Doesn't Belong Worksheets
For these worksheets, there are 4 creatures that students can see. However, one creature does not really fit the theme for a particular reason in each picture. These worksheets are a good way to identify how animals can be...
Learning About Bees and Doing Honey Bee Sensory Science
At Mariner Montessori, they learned all about bees and how they make honey! It was great fun doing bee-related activities. Honey tasting The students learned how bees in different regions can get their pollen from...
"Insects," and, "Not Insects," Sorting Activity
Oftentimes people will confuse certain creatures with insects that are not, in fact, insects at all! For example, you may hear spiders referred to as insects when they are actually arachnids. This worksheet is a fantastic way for...
Labubugs - pintura corporal
E cá estamos nós embarcados em mais um projeto de tirar o fôlego. Desta vez, estou falando de pequenos animaizinhos invertebrados que rastejam, se transformam e são incrivelmente fofinhos. Sim, estamos estudando sobre...
Hands-On Learning the Lifecycle of Butterflies
At Little Ones Preschool/Kindergarten they got to learn about the lifecycle of butterflies in a hands-on manner! From an egg to a butterfly The kids learned how first there is an egg and then it hatches and reveals a...
Spring butterfly super easy
Today we made a super easy spring butterfly, all you need is white or color paper, scissors, glue pen and pipe cleaner. 1. Draw on the paper circle and square. Then cut out of the paper circle and square. You can use color...
Paper Plate Ladybugs Craft
At Montes Family Child Care they made ladybugs out of paper plates that the kids painted and then glued other ladybug body parts onto! It was a colorful activity and everyone enjoyed it a bunch! Materials needed for this craft ...
Creating Blue Morpho Butterflies
At Little Seeds Children's Center, they were educated about blue morpho butterflies and then created their own out of craft supplies! The children learned how the blue morpho is among the largest butterflies in the world, with wings...
Bug-Themed Center Crafts
At Little Bell Preschool, they did an assortment of fun crafts themed for bugs. The kiddos greatly enjoyed creating their bugs! Play-Doh ladybugs Everyone made ladybugs out of Play-Doh with googly eyes and pipe cleaners. ...
Bee Matching Shapes
This is a game for children at infant education ( 3, 4 & 5 years old, but you can use it for first and second grade. It consists on a set of flowers and a set of bees. The flowers have a shape on the centre of it and the bees have...
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