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Creative City Project

Michaela Finn
Creative City Project

Students in our K0/K1 inclusion classroom have been working on building our very own city. We are using cardboard and many other recycle-able materials to create our very own city! From the BPS Focus Curriculum, their Unit Project entails, "a three-dimensional model of a city street built by the children over two or so weeks—introduced with researching and drawing up city plans in Week 6 and proceeding with construction in the Art Studio. The street will function as the route of movement with a variety of city elements on either side—buildings, elements of transportation or utilities infrastructures, means of communication, and public art, for example. Children will reference

Unit texts, images of city streets and plans, and “All Through My City”; they decide which features to include based on their interests and understandings. Connected to their experiences constructing with cardboard and their explorations with sound sculpture, children may be further encouraged to include in their model(s) parts that make sounds. The three-dimensional model might be accompanied by signs (drawings, a mural, photographs of the work in progress, dictations of children’s ideas, and other documentation." https://www.bpsearlylearning.org/focus-on-4s

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Creative City Project
January 17, 2024
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